An invitation to responsible management practices

What is so complex about Management, if it is not ourselves and the manifestation of the state of our consciousness, which depends on a system that bruises our inner-self, but nourishes or basic needs?
In the flows' buzzes of fleeting concepts, the voice of authenticity persists, for the health of our souls, and the becoming of the future generations. This guide offers simple practices in Management. It tends to refocus on the fundamentals of Organizational and Human Resources Management.

This is a functional approach, based on transversal abilities, which were once valued, are now overused, but, whatever the time, an invitation to reconsider our patterns of thought, in order to change our ways of embedding effective and ‘Human Compliant’ Leadership.
This approach of ethical and proactive intervention within organizations is the capitalization of years of skills and intense corporate experiences, and as far as the substance is, an existential fiber to focus on the fundamental: our contribution to the Good of Humanity, isn't it?
Aimed to Managers and Managed people, Professionals and Amateurs, Influencers and Followers, the purpose of the book is to infuse ‘Smart Thinking’, through the exploration of common frames accessible to all.
Auteur : Sarah FEBRISSY
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